Jute Goods & Tea

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Jute is our main earning fiber. It is also called the golden fiber of Bangladesh. On the other hand, tea is also popular among the Bangladesh peoples. We can now export both Jute Goods & Tea to other countries. Jute is very useful element to make ropes, socks, sacks, Shoe Sole, Yarn & Twine etc. also tea is becoming more and more popular among peoples day by day. So, both Jute Goods & Tea can be profitable element of business. For that, first you may need Jute Goods & Tea related informations.

Addressbazar is an Online Business Directory which will help and guide you to get vast of informations about numerous Coir Products, Jute (Shoe Sole), Jute (Yarn & Twine) and many other Jute Goods & Tea related informations.

For your convenience, Addressbazar listed particular address, city and country name, contact information, website link, description of every individual sub category of Jute Goods & Tea related informations. Addressbazar always keeps update of their informative informations for you. Thus, you can get updated Jute Goods & Tea related informations for both of your individual and professional needs. So, always keep an eye on Addressbazar for getting your necessary updates of Jute Goods & Tea related informations.

Top Companies

Name Category Phone
Eagle Auto Industries Ltd.
Automobile Body Manufacturers +880-2-7120559
Ifad Autos Ltd
Trailer Manufacturers & Suppliers 16598
Tak-Woa Motor & Eng. Works
Automobile Body Manufacturers +880-2-9336455, 9330501
Monin Auto Engineering Works
Automobile Body Manufacturers +880-2-8014156
Pragoti Industries Ltd.
Automobile Body Manufacturers 880 2 9898349
Rafique Engineering Works
Automobile Body Manufacturers +880-2-9000130
Auto Wings
Automobile Body Manufacturers +880-2-8316457, 8318924.
Navana Limited
Automobile Body Manufacturers +88-02-9892911, +88-02-9893048

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